Non-Surgical Spine Decompression
At PNW Chiropractic Clinic, we have two state of the art spine decompression medical devices, the iTrac and DOC Decompression Table, both by Pivotal Health Solutions.
Do you have a herniated vertebral disc?
Non-Surgical Spinal Decompression (NSSD) and a specific approach to chiropractic care is an option instead of surgery.
Do you have Degenerative Disc Disease (DDD)?
Non-Surgical Spinal Decompression (NSSD) and a specific approach to chiropractic care is an option instead of surgery.
Do you have Degenerative Joint Disease (DJD) AKA Arthritis?
Non-Surgical Spinal Decompression (NSSD) and a specific approach to chiropractic care is an option instead of surgery.
DOC Decompression Table
For more information on this Non-Surgical Spine Decompression device, that can be used for both the neck and the lower back, go to: https://docdecompressiontable.com/features.php
Spinal Decompression
For more information on this Non-Surgical Cervical Spine Decompression device used for forward head posture, loss of neck curve, disc herniations, degenerative disc disease and degenerative joint disease go to: https://www.itractherapy.com/ This spinal decompression device gently pulls on your neck to take pressure off of discs and joints. With less pressure on the discs and joints of your neck a number of helpful things happen. Blood flows properly through the area and re-hydration of the discs and joints occurs which promotes a natural healing process within the discs and joints. Watch this video about what to expect with an iTrac treatment.
Today, you don’t have to live with that pain anymore. Thanks to the concerted efforts of a team of top physicians and medical engineers, Spinal Decompression was developed to effectively treat pain from herniated and degenerated vertebral discs. Spinal Decompression not only significantly reduces pain in many patients, but also enables the majority of patients to return to more active lifestyles.
Spinal Decompression has been proven effective in relieving the pain associated with bulging and herniated discs, degenerative disc disease, and even relapse or failed back surgery. Since its release, clinical studies have revealed an amazing success rate in treating disc related problems with Spinal Decompression.
Spinal Decompression uses state of the art technology to apply a distraction force to relieve nerve compression often associated with spine pain.
Contact our office today to schedule an initial consultation with our Doctor to determine if you are a candidate for care with Spinal Decompression.
After carefully studying your case history, exam findings, diagnostic imaging findings, Dr. Bigge will sit down and explain his recommended plan of action for you. After answering any questions you may have about the recommended plan, you may begin your care with Spinal Decompression.
A powerful and effective choice for healing many of the cervical spine (neck) conditions without surgery.