Please call our office at 360-336-6462 to schedule your appointments. Dr. Bigge will be at Lopez Island Physical Therapy every other Friday. There may be some exceptions due to holidays, vacations, etc.
Lopez Island Patients

Aetna, Cigna, Community Health Plan of Washington (All ages), First Choice Health, Kaiser Access PPO, Kaiser Elect PPO, Kaiser Summit PPO, Kaiser Core, Kaiser CoreSelect, Kaiser Boeing HMO Network, Kaiser SoundChoice, Kaiser Connect, Kaiser Options (POS), Humana, Medicare, Premera, Regence (NO REGENCE EPO), TriWest with Referral from the VA, WA State Medicaid (Chiropractic benefits for people 20 years of age and younger).
In-Network Health Insurance Companies

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Heading Our mission is to improve the health of our community, one chiropractic
appointment at a time.
"Our mission is to improve the health of our community, one chiropractic appointment at a time."
Dr. Cameron Bigge
My Chiropractic Success Story
When I was in the 5th grade, I began to suffer from daily migraine headaches. Despite receiving care from multiple doctors, I had no lasting relief from the pain. Luckily, my parents took me to John Holden, D.C., who began giving me frequent chiropractic adjustments, occasionally paired with massage therapy. By the end of my care plan, the headaches were gone and I got my childhood back! Noticing the drastic improvement in my quality of life, I continued to receive adjustments throughout school. It was at age 17 when I chose to pursue being a chiropractor as my career.
After graduating from high school, I attended Washington State University where I studied Kinesiology, the fundamentals of human anatomy and physiology. This education greatly prepared me for my education at Palmer Chiropractic College San Jose Campus. The education was thorough, detailed and rigorous and I enjoyed it. The human body is a fascinating machine and learning new things every day about how we function was fun.
It is my honor to be of service and contribution to my community. I want to thank my beautiful and supporting wife, Frannie, for partnering with me. When I am not wearing my doctor of chiropractic attire, I enjoy hiking, family time, mountain climbing, rock climbing, camping, cooking and playing with our daughter Jade. Family is very important to me and I am grateful for everyone’s love and support.